Funding research aimed toward increasing longevity and improving the quality of life for children living with a transplanted heart is central to our mission.
This Enduring Hearts Direct Grant places particular emphasis on the potential impact of the proposed study within the next five years. It gives priority to research projects that directly engage pediatric heart transplant recipients and their families. Furthermore, it focuses on initiatives that have the potential to advance equity and standardization in post-transplant care for pediatric heart recipients.
Proposal Central System Opens for Applicants: 5/1/2025
Pre-proposal LOI Deadline: 6/17/2025 by 5:00pm EST
Enduring Hearts in partnership with Additional Ventures to fund stimulate innovative research focusing on identifying, reducing and eliminating pre and post-transplant risk factors that affect outcomes of children born with complex congenital heart disease including single ventricle heart defects.
Submission Date: TBD
For more information about this grant, contact
The research focus for Enduring Hearts is to improve longevity of, and quality of life for, pediatric heart transplant recipients, and ultimately reduce and eliminate pediatric heart disease. A part of ISHLT's mission is to award research grants and establish endowments for the study of heart and lung transplantation and end-stage heart and lung disease. Together, our organizations have joined forces to develop the ISHLT/Enduring Hearts Transplant Longevity Research Grant, to achieve these missions. Grants will be made for research proposals that have a high likelihood of being translated into clinical practice within five years and those that have relevance to or directly involve pediatric transplant recipients and/or their families.
Submission Date: TBD
This collaboration furthers Enduring Hearts' focus on improving longevity and the quality of post-heart transplant life. The Enduring Hearts/PHTS Investigator Awards recognize early or established investigator(s) in the field of pediatric heart transplantation. The first award cycle will aim for eventual presentation at the Annual ISHLT Scientific Meetings and Sessions along with publication in the Journal for Heart and Lung Transplantation. The second award cycle will aim for eventual presentation at the Annual AHA Scientific Sessions along with publication in one of the American Heart Association Journals.
Award Cycles: February 2024 & October 2024
Enduring Hearts (EH) and The American Heart Association (AHA) share common priorities and interests in investing in biomedical research. Together, AHA and EH have established this jointly funded Request for Proposals (RFP) for the AHA/EH Translational Research Awards in Pediatric Heart Transplantation (PHT). EH was founded in 2013 with a mission to fund research to increase longevity and improve the quality of life for children with transplanted hearts. In collaboration with its partners, founder and donors, EH has invested over $10 million for ˜ 60 investigator-initiated novel projects making it the largest nonprofit funded solely dedicated to pediatric heart transplant research. The AHA was founded in 1924 and its mission is to be a relentless force for a world of longer, healthier lives. The AHA has invested more than $5 billion in research, making it the largest nonprofit funder of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular research outside the federal government.
Submission Date: Closed